Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cell Phone Manners and the Rich!

I've been asked a lot of questions about how rich people use and relate to their cell phones. So let me spill the beans about how things are around here.

The Missus is apparently attentive to calls and texts and keeps her phone nearby, although she never brings it to the dining table - breakfast, lunch or dinner.

The Mister, on the other hand, is completely lackadaisical about his phone. You would think that with his money and involvements he'd be glued to the phone every minute to keep on top of things, right? But not so. We find his phone lying all around the house, and he doesn't seem to care if he leaves it behind when he goes out and about for hours or even days. In fact I think we, the house staff, are the only ones who ever charge it up. Amazing.

I've had other questions about rich people's cell phone manners, and can certainly share some observations:

At all the cocktail parties, receptions and galas in this house there seems to be a code of ethics among the rich that cell phones are turned off before entering the house. Indeed you rarely, if ever, see a cell phone in someone's hand, much less hear it ring. The exception being doctors, of course. (Although we have no idea if the doctor's call is coming from a suffering patient, or his alone-at-home concubine.)

At political fund raising events we all know that politicians love the sound of their own voice and can go on for a solid hour without taking a breath. And at charity fund raisers there's always a rather boring presentation, often with audio visuals, followed by endless and sometimes tearful testimonies from charity recipients.

These mind-numbing events, both political and charity, are of course designed to make rich people shell out money. Which they do indeed. More to shut these people up than anything else, I'm sure of it. Some guests come just for the cocktails, quickly write out a check and hit the road before the speeches start!

But getting back to the topic, during these dreadful events you never, ever hear a cell phone go off. Maybe they've all read the hysterical article in the Huffington Post listing a set of rules when it comes to cell phone use in a public situation. Here's the link, in case you're wondering if you're deficit in this area.

Thanks for dropping in this evening,



  1. Mildred / The BronxSaturday, 28 July, 2012

    omg, you've got me lol, i think i must be the worst cell phone person in the world after what you just wrote, thank you for pointing this out, i love your blog and like reading about what the rich have going on, not all that much here in the bronx, but it sure is fun to dream.

    1. What a sweet, sweet comment, dear Mildren in The Bronx.

      Dreams are what life's made of, and perhaps you can dream your way out of the Bronx someday. It's not impossible. Just reach out and make it happen. Thank you for reading!

      Please do stay in touch.


  2. Andrew Do rich people ever do things with their pets Or do they just expect the staff to deal with the animals they have ? If the staff has to deal with the animals why do they have them ?
    Thanks KEK

  3. Hi, KEK. At the house where I'm currently employed, there's not much interaction between my employers and the two Great Danes that live here.

    Actually, I wrote about this very topic back in June of this year in a post entitled "Dogs of the Rich". Hope it sheds some light. Thanks for reading.


  4. Thanks so much for replying to my question I found it very illuminating, was a great read and look forward to more post. I think however that I may need to check up on some of my phone savvy, as the manager of the household how glue to your mobile would you say you are for the day to day operation, there are some many apps now on smart phones which must come in handy.

    1. In a huge house like this, and the several acres of grounds and gardens, we rely heavily upon iPhones and texts to keep things moving along at an efficient pace.

      And with all the contractors and vendors needing one thing or another, yes I'm on the phone quite a bit during the day.

      But the huge advantage is that with smart phones when I'm out shopping for the Missus, I can instantly zap a picture to her to make sure I'm getting the right thing. A huge time saver, as opposed to going back and making exchanges!

      Thanks for reading, and expanding the topic.

