Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Moderation for the Rich!

As the butler here in a billionaire's world, I've often noticed and admired that moderation seems to be the rule of the day around here. Not just for my employers but their guests as well. Apparently it's the way they keep themselves fit and trim, and mentally agile enough to juggle their millions and billions.

By definition moderation just means restraint and avoidance of excess of course, in everything from food, alcohol, tobacco, politics, temper and mood swings - anything we frail human beings are prone to. And there's a lot of debate on the subject:

- Mark Twain said he didn't care for moderation himself, but "It's always been my rule to never smoke while asleep, or refrain from smoking when awake." 

- Oscar Wilde suggested that "Moderation is a fatal thing".

- Plato thought a man of moderation was someone of character and wisdom.

- Aristotle advised to avoid extremes and seek "moderation in all things."

- And Saint Augustine said that "Complete abstinence is easier than moderation."

Obviously, there's several divergent ideas on the subject, to say the least. But it seems to work for the rich. It's a choice of course, but once adopted it seemingly becomes a way of life.

Having tossed this idea around myself for a long time, and to condense the wit and wisdom of people much wiser than me, my own point of view is simply this: Moderation should never be carried to extreme!

Thanks for stopping by tonight,



  1. the valiant valetThursday, 05 April, 2012

    Hello Andrew. Do you have any tips on ironing linen pants. I have to iron Mister Lucas' pants for a function he is going to tomorrow and not sure how linen should be properly ironed. Also, any tips on what footwear to pair with linen pants. Don't want to get it wrong this time haha.

    1. What am I, Wikipedia?

      Linen is made from flax, not cotton, and can take a hotter iron. Start ironing when the garment is still damp.

      Shoes for this light-weight summer wear would be loafers (probably brown), sandals, or tennis shoes.


  2. I'm a little bit confused. You've told us about how much wine and other spirits are consumed where you work. That does not sound like moderation to me. lol! What's up? Dave

    1. Hello Dave,

      With this particular family I'm working for, you're right -- alcohol is not on their list of moderation necessities! lol! But I must say they do stop short of falling over in the floor! So I guess they have at least some kind of internal control going on.

      Thanks for reading,

  3. Lol! Everything in moderation......including moderation. Agree !!!


    1. Well put, A. Hari!

      Aristotle meets Oscar Wilde! Ha!

